Creative People and Places

Creative BasildON, 3 Rivers, Havering Changing
Borough-wide inclusive cultural programming evaluation

Image credit: Samantha Oxford

Image credit: Samantha Oxford

Creative People and Places programmes are Arts Council funded with the ambition of realising cultural democracy in places deemed to have the lowest engagement in arts and cultural activity.

Community decision making is placed at the heart of a mission to empower local people to become active collaborators in the choosing and creating of arts experiences.

We are working in Basildon, Havering and Bexley as evaluation partners, exploring the local contexts, partnerships and approaches to this national action research programme. Whilst each setting is unique, we aim to bring an ethos of shared learning to the table through opportunities for all those involved to establish their own success criteria and reflect on their progress, achievements and challenges.


The Production of Truth and Justice, Warwick University and the Tate Exchange


The Albany Youth Programme